CloudCockpit Risk Center

Risk Center

The Risk Center is where you can get an overview of risk management in the portal. This will help reduce your risk, by staying current on potential issues.

Alerts represent actionable information regarding potentially risky situations. The alerts table lets you review the current situations that may lead to issues down the line, so you can proactively protect yourself.

Interpreting the Alerts table
The alerts table is made up of 6 columns that summarize the information of each alert.
  1. The Alert Policy represents the type of the alert. To view current alerts available, visit our Azure Alerts page.
  2. The Entity represents the entity on which is affected by the alert.
  3. The Status will be "Active" until you resolve the alert, at which point it will change to "Resolved".
  4. The Start Date represents the first time that the alert was detected.
  5. The Last Observed represents the last time that we saw the alert happening. For example, if a subscription exceeds its budget threshold, the alert's last observed will be updated every day until the alert is marked as resolved or the budget is updated.
  6. The Severity is the severity you configured for the alert trigger. If two alert triggers are active, the severity will be the one with the highest severity
  7. The Resolution column is where you can mark an alert as resolved, and the reason for resolving that alert. An alert can be resolved as:
    1. Legitimate if the alert that was generated was correctly identifying a risky situation, but was legitimate (e.g. there was an unusual consumption growth, but upon speaking with the client, it was deemed legitimate).
    2. False alarm when the alert was triggered on a situation that did not represent additional risk (e.g. budget was set too low for that subscription).
    3. Fraud when the alert correctly identified a fraudulent situation (e.g. unexpected consumption growth due to hacking of customer account).
Each row in the alert table is expandable and provides additional information regarding the alert.

Outdated Azure Subscription Consumptions
The Outdated Azure Subscription Consumptions list, shows you the list of Azure Subscriptions with outdated consumptions. A consumption is considered outdated when it hasn't been updated in the last 2 days.
It is important to ensure consumptions are up-to-date, because otherwise, the alerting features will not work.

Fixing outdated consumptions
In most cases, the reason why we can't fetch the consumptions is due to Azure Conditional Access policies, which block CloudCockpit from accessing Azure on your customers.
For more information, read our article on Conditional Access Policies.

Subscriptions Missing PEC
The Subscriptions Missing PEC list shows you the list of Azure Subscriptions that do not have Partner Earned Credit (PEC) applied to them. This can represent lost revenue when it comes to Azure subscriptions, due to not earning the credit offered by Microsoft.
To understand why subscriptions are missing PEC and how to fix them, please read the Microsoft guide on troubleshooting PEC.

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